Episode time
30 minutes
British comedy show created by the group of writers, who worked together since studies they spent together in Cambridge University where they were part of the Cambridge Footlights theater: Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese,
Graeme Garden, David Hatch and Bill Oddie. Jo Kendall was the only woman in the cast, among writing staff were, among others, also Graham Chapman and Eric Idle. The style of the series was similar to other works they were linked to, like Monty Python’s Flying Circus, the Goodies and few others, also to those that influenced them, like The Goon Show or Round the Horne. I’m Sorry, I’ll Read That Again was a mixture of absurd humor, parodies of the popular genre and programs, funny songs and short stories that often were riddled with childish or poor taste jokes.
The effect of that mixture was show that was hard to be missed - entertaining from beginning until the end, funny, sometimes witty, but often intentionally heading towards too childish and poor quality jokes. Great performances from the actors, wild scripts and insane songs - all of it created a unique atmosphere and unique program that is hard to compare to any other further radio show.
The Vikings biggest input in world history was discovering America... and keep quite about it.
It’s my wife sir, her eyes are getting worse. She keeps seeing black spots.
Has she seen the doctor?
No, just the spots.
It’s a very old joke.
I’m a very old butler.