Space Patrol radio show (1952-1955, United States)

Space Patrol 1952 review

Space Patrol old time radio Commander Corry and Cadet Happy of the United Planets Space Patrol keep the space lanes a safe place and rush to help anyone in trouble.

Episode time: 30 minutes

Language: English

American radio showsChildren showsSci-fi shows
Space Patrol old time radio show

Space Patrol episodes

🔊︎ The Hole in Empty Space
🔊︎ The City of the Sun
🔊︎ The Queen of Space
🔊︎ The Giant Bubble
🔊︎ The Electronic Burglar
🔊︎ The Space Shark
🔊︎ The Search for Asteroid X
🔊︎ The Lady from Venus
🔊︎ The Last Voyage of the Lonesome Lena
🔊︎ The Brain Bank and the Space Binoculars
🔊︎ The Sleep Walker
🔊︎ The Scavenger of Space
🔊︎ The Top Secret D-Ray
🔊︎ Crash Landing
🔊︎ The Mysterious Meteor
🔊︎ The Moon Beetles
🔊︎ The Strange Gift of the New Star
🔊︎ The Seed Crystals of Zeldabran
🔊︎ The Magic Space Pictures
🔊︎ The Caverns of Venus
🔊︎ The Forgotten City
🔊︎ The Vanishing Lake
🔊︎ The Prisoners of Pluto
🔊︎ The Venus Space Factory
🔊︎ The Cosmic Ray Detector
🔊︎ The Secret of Sub-Level 7
🔊︎ Treachery in Outer Space
🔊︎ The Immortal Brain
🔊︎ The Indestructible Germ
🔊︎ The Treasure of Planetoid 60
🔊︎ The Winged Spies of Venus
🔊︎ The Sleeping Demon of Saturn
🔊︎ Trouble Aboard the Super Nova
🔊︎ Peril over Jupiter
🔊︎ The Menace of Planet X
🔊︎ The Trap on Planet X
🔊︎ The Valley of Dread
🔊︎ Escape from Planet X
🔊︎ The Spies from Planet X
🔊︎ Target Jupiter
🔊︎ Return to Planet X
🔊︎ On the Ice Cap of Planet X
🔊︎ Rescue from Planet X
🔊︎ The Secret of the Dargo Ruins
🔊︎ The Iron Eaters of Planet X
🔊︎ Cyclone in Outer Space
🔊︎ Under the Sea of Planet X
🔊︎ The Sea Monster of Planet X
🔊︎ The Revolt of the Space Rats
🔊︎ The Revolt of the Space Rats
🔊︎ The Lost Condor
🔊︎ The Venus Tulanium Mystery
🔊︎ The Lost Dimension
🔊︎ The Wistful Wizard of Neptune's Moon
🔊︎ In the Claw of Venus
🔊︎ The Exiles from Denebola
🔊︎ The Martian Masquerade
🔊︎ The Treasure of Mount Rolcab
🔊︎ Conquest of Dargeeda
🔊︎ Revenge of Dr Yeager
🔊︎ The Visitor from Galaxy 9
🔊︎ The Serpent of Saturn
🔊︎ The Gems of Jupiter
🔊︎ Test for Survival
🔊︎ The Secret of Dr Borodeck
🔊︎ The Zero Ray
🔊︎ The Super Brain of Volmer Castro
🔊︎ The Test of the XK3
🔊︎ The Image of Evil
🔊︎ The Phantom Visitor
🔊︎ The Wreck of the Black Star
🔊︎ Captain Hackett's Planetoid
🔊︎ The Capture of the Red Falcon
🔊︎ The Strange Voyager
🔊︎ The Red Demon of Venus
🔊︎ The Mystery of the Masked Martians
🔊︎ The Tattooed Atom
🔊︎ The Cavern of Fear
🔊︎ Race Against Time
🔊︎ The Robot of Bor Kenna
🔊︎ Trial by Terror
🔊︎ Supersensitive Star Drive
🔊︎ The Galaxy Trade Association
🔊︎ The Journey To Troganak
🔊︎ The Counterfeit Atom
🔊︎ Formula for Crime
🔊︎ Shipment to Tiranna
🔊︎ Locating Tiranna
🔊︎ Design for Disaster
🔊︎ Prisoners of Tiranna
🔊︎ Invasion from Tiranna
🔊︎ The Voice from the Future
🔊︎ Visitor from Artrona
🔊︎ The Forbidden Planet
🔊︎ The Realm of the Robot
🔊︎ The Watchman of Wormak
🔊︎ The Frightened Robot
🔊︎ A Planet in Peril
🔊︎ The Invisible Enemy
🔊︎ The City of Hidden Doom
🔊︎ Escape from Neptune
🔊︎ Ambush in Space
🔊︎ Prison Planet
🔊︎ The Crown of Dargeeda
🔊︎ The Shadow of Chardu
🔊︎ Conquest of Dargeeda
🔊︎ The Hermit of Pluto
🔊︎ The Time Pirates
🔊︎ Voyage to the Future
🔊︎ The Monster from the Past
🔊︎ The Weed of Despair
🔊︎ The Fugitive from Tolarma

old time radio shows